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Legal notice

In compliance with the law, we inform you that the owner of the website is Dr. Sterling Feliz, with address in Santo Domingo, Dom. Rep.

You can contact Dr. Sterling Feliz through the email and through the contact forms that you will find at

1. Object

The purpose of the website is to inform about Dr. Sterling Feliz, the services it provides and the activities it carries out.

2. Terms of use

The use of our website grants you the status of User. Therefore, you express and accept the conditions of use included in this Legal Notice, in the Cookies Policy and in the privacy policy, which you can access from the following links:

Cookie Policies.

If you do not agree with all the clauses that we show, you will refrain from using our website.

3. Content

Through the web, Dr. Sterling Feliz provides you with access to various contents that his collaborators have published on the internet.

Thus, you agree NOT to use our content for illegal purposes or that may damage or affect the normal use of content and computer equipment.

We reserve the right to remove any content that may be contrary to current laws.

4. Blog

We have a blog where we publish our content of interest, which is accessible through the address

Regarding the content of the articles on the Blog, you are free to:

Share and copy the articles in any medium.
Adapt and create from publications.

The blog posts include a comment system, with respect to which we reserve the right to remove all those that are not in accordance with current laws.

The contents of our blog may NOT be used for commercial purposes.

5. Links to other websites

Dr. Sterling Feliz may provide you with access to third party content through the use of links or hyperlinks. In this order, when visiting one of the third-party websites linked to our page, you will adjust to the privacy policies and legal notices of said website visited.

6. Modifications.

Dr. Sterling Feliz reserves the right to make changes to all content concerning this website, and at any time.

7. Disclaimer

We do not guarantee the absence of errors on our website or blog, nor that they are up to date, although we will make every effort to avoid them, correct them and keep the website updated.

8. Security measures

We use methods, techniques and strategies for data protection.

9. Personal data

You can consult all the information corresponding to personal data by accessing this link.

10. Cookie Policy

You can consult all the information on the policy of collection and treatment of cookies through this link.

Updated on March 7, 2023.

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