Cookie Policy


Due to the entry into force of various laws and regulations, it has become mandatory to obtain the express consent of users, before they navigate through them.

What are Cookies?

Cookies are files that are downloaded to users’ devices when they access different websites, which have the goal of storing and retrieving information about the queries that are made on said computers.

What types of Cookies are there?

Regarding the types of Cookies, we can say that there are five global groups:

  • Analytical cookies: they are those that are characterized by collecting information on the use made on a website.
  • Advertising and segmentation cookies: they stand out for collecting information about user preferences (retargeting).
  • Functional cookies: they are essential for the provision of the service contracted on a website.
  • Social cookies: they are characterized by being essential for external social networks.
  • Affiliate cookies: they track visits from other websites.

Cookies used on this website

We use our own and third-party cookies to facilitate our services, as well as for analytical purposes.

The user has the option to accept or reject our cookies, through two buttons that appear in a pop-up window for such purposes.

Functional cookies

We use these types of cookies to provide our services. These cannot be disabled.

Analytical cookies

This Cookie will be installed only when users click on the “Accept” button that will be located in the Cookies Banner.

How can I edit the Cookie settings or disable them?

The User has the option to block, edit or delete Cookies. In the following links you will find information to enable or disable Cookies in the most common browsers:

  • Google Chrome
  • Safari
  • Firefox
  • For other browsers, consult the documentation of the one you have installed.

Warning about the deletion of Cookies

Please note that you can delete and block Cookies from this website but part of the site will not function properly.

Updated on March 7, 2023.

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